Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Famo & the Wookie (No.36) -- 7/26/2011

Famo & the Wookie - No. 36 (7/26/2011) [download]

Well well well...
We've been waiting for months, but it's finally here. 
WakeStock 2011 is upon us.

Plus I'm on vacation.

So no long winded entry this week, just the facts.
As Usual, we got
(NFL/Boxing/Music/Jewish Analyst)

Plus we got special guest,
(Fashion/Chick Stuff/Mussels & Wine Correspondent)

and direct from Crown Heights, one
Eric "Bromeo" Tuttle
(DJ/MeMe/Lamestreamer Correspondent)

On tap this week:
- the NFL is back
- MLB Trades and Moves
- Holy Ghost!
- Community Profile: Inlet, NY
- Entourage & Curb
- Carson Palmer
- Moneyball

That's in, i'm done.
Vacation time, busters.

Famo & the Wookie.
We got "Ted Danson Swag."

Sam Famolaro [twitter]
Dan Avissato [twitter]
Adam Goldstein [twitter]
Dorothy Zbikowski [twitter]

Eric Tuttle [twitter]
Facebook Group [link]

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Famo & the Wookie (No.35) -- 7/20/2011

Famo & the Wookie - No. 35 (7/20/1011) [download]

We'll never let you down.

You know that, right?
Unlike the United States Women's Soccer Team...
Or John Cena...
Or David Stern/Roger Goodell...
Or Steve Anderson...

No, Famo & the Wookie are here for you.
We're here to represent the little guy,
the fan who's sports opinions are waiting to be heard
but overpowered by the mainstream media.

We are the voice of the voiceless.

Oh, Also our good friend
(NFL/Boxing/Music/Jewish Analyst)
storms out of the studio in a moment of anger.

But at least he did it for you.

On Tap this week:
- the 1st Place Pittsburgh Pirates
- Yao Ming's Fond Farewell
- Bert Blyleven
- Peyton Manning
- M83
- the X-Games 
- Steve Fuckin' Winwood

Famo & the Wookie are here to stay.
We have the gusto.
We have the steeze.
We have the machismo.
We're not afraid to say what we're thinking,
And we're not afraid to name names.

Famo & the Wookie.
No One is SAFE.

Sam Famolaro [twitter]
Dan Avissato [twitter]
Adam Goldstein [twitter]
Facebook Group [link]

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Famo & the Wookie (No.34) -- 7/13/2011

Famo & the Wookie - No. 34 (7/13/2011) [download]

Oh, man...
Can you feel it, dude?
It's gonna be a very special week.

Famo & the Wookie return from a 2-week sabbatical
with a fiery vengeance and renewed vigor, 
by combining our two favorite things...

Derek Jeter & 
Blink 182.

That's right, much too the dismay of
(NFL/Boxing/Music/Jewish Analyst)
We have crhistened this week as...

"Scott MadDog Raynor's 
 Blink 182 Deep-Cuts Bonanza"

....Fuck Yeah.

This Week on Tap:
- Derek Jeter's 3000th Hit
- the Future of Modern Sports
- Blink 182... duh!
- Animal Collective
- the Boilermaker 2011
- Goosebumps 
- Twitter Adds/Drops

And remember Folks, 
If it doesn't say
Famo & the Wookie
than you've paid too much.

We Name Names
No One is Safe.
Join Us, Won't You?

Sam Famolaro [twitter]
Dan Avissato [twitter]
Adam Goldstein [twitter]
Facebook Group [link]