Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Famo & the Wookie (No.61) -- 5/29/2013

Famo & the Wookie -- No. 61 (5/29/2013) [download]

Rising like the Phoenix from the ashes,
The Famo & the Wookie Podcast returns from our 5 month hiatus,
to share our insight and offer our take the current
(and not so current)
state of sport, music, and popular culture.

Plus, We have special guests.
Highly refined individuals, like:

     NBA & Legal Analyst

-Cousin Joe 
      (literally Famo's cousin)

and of course, our resident contrarian,

On Tap this week: 
- the NBA Playoffs
- BPL 2012-2013: "A Season of Goodbyes"
- Daft Punk
- Overrated/Underrated
- Matt Harvey
- Arrested Development
- New York City FC

Remember to follow us 
all week long on twitter at
as well as on our brand new Vine account.
(We own social media)

Famo & the Wookie [twitter]
Sam Famolaro [twitter]
Dan Avissato [twitter]
Adam Goldstein [twitter]